Ok, Just Shoot Me!
“Don’t you know how to be dumb????”
--Elvis Costello
I have always tried to be fair: judge correctly and with logic.
Enter the latest Supreme Court rulings where Judge Anton Scalia decided that the whole “A well-regulated militia needed for the security of the state” part of the Second Amendment was irrelevant at best or was interpreted to mean “you can have a gun to protect yourself” at worst.
How in the world can this politically partisan (can you say Right Wing Nut-job) judge ignore an entire section of the amendment.
History lesson time here folks: In 1791 when the Second Amendment was created there was a real fear that the British were going to be a constant invasion threat. As the War of 1812 indicated, the threat was real. By 1815, when the United States and Great Britain decided that a massive war where neither could really win would not gain either party, they kissed and made up and decided to ally themselves to a degree. The common interest was money. Now in 1862 the Brits considered helping the Confederates to be a thorn in the side of the United States Federal Government, but upon seeing there was no real chance for the Confederates to gain the status of sovereign state, they abandoned the idea.
So basically this antiquated notion has been ridiculously ignored and kept in check by the Court. I use “ridiculously” because it should have been removed 100 years before my birth.
Now, the partisan politics of the right wing nut jobs lead by Scalia on the eve of a turnover in the White House have decided to ignore the sense of common sense and ignored the “militia” part of gun ownership. They know McCain has as much of a chance of winning the White House as a turtle.
Further Scalia has announced that the ruling that gives Prisoners of Detainment in Gitmo and other places where the US has held prisoners of Bush’s short-sighted and questionable war certain rights of POW's like protection from torture as “harming Americans.” As opposed to giving them guns, Mr. Justice? You mean we can no longer waterboard and torture individuals and that is bad for America. Hmm…just checking.
The great thing about the Supreme Court has always been that they are protected from being ousted because they were interpreters of the Supreme Law of the Land. They were supposed to be above pressure to vote certain ways and were to act in accordance to the common welfare of the people.
I guess that, like the Second Amendment, is an antiquated notion as well because Justice Scalia has behaved like a good little lackey and given the Republicans exactly the partisan ruling they wanted.
Scalia has consistently voted against choice for women in the case of abortion because it kills innocent people. One wonders if that matters when we arm the citizens without restraints. Think anyone innocent might be harmed, Mr. Scalia if we do not control the weapons?
Now go bow to King Bush The Stupid and lick his boots.
--Elvis Costello
I have always tried to be fair: judge correctly and with logic.
Enter the latest Supreme Court rulings where Judge Anton Scalia decided that the whole “A well-regulated militia needed for the security of the state” part of the Second Amendment was irrelevant at best or was interpreted to mean “you can have a gun to protect yourself” at worst.
How in the world can this politically partisan (can you say Right Wing Nut-job) judge ignore an entire section of the amendment.
History lesson time here folks: In 1791 when the Second Amendment was created there was a real fear that the British were going to be a constant invasion threat. As the War of 1812 indicated, the threat was real. By 1815, when the United States and Great Britain decided that a massive war where neither could really win would not gain either party, they kissed and made up and decided to ally themselves to a degree. The common interest was money. Now in 1862 the Brits considered helping the Confederates to be a thorn in the side of the United States Federal Government, but upon seeing there was no real chance for the Confederates to gain the status of sovereign state, they abandoned the idea.
So basically this antiquated notion has been ridiculously ignored and kept in check by the Court. I use “ridiculously” because it should have been removed 100 years before my birth.
Now, the partisan politics of the right wing nut jobs lead by Scalia on the eve of a turnover in the White House have decided to ignore the sense of common sense and ignored the “militia” part of gun ownership. They know McCain has as much of a chance of winning the White House as a turtle.
Further Scalia has announced that the ruling that gives Prisoners of Detainment in Gitmo and other places where the US has held prisoners of Bush’s short-sighted and questionable war certain rights of POW's like protection from torture as “harming Americans.” As opposed to giving them guns, Mr. Justice? You mean we can no longer waterboard and torture individuals and that is bad for America. Hmm…just checking.
The great thing about the Supreme Court has always been that they are protected from being ousted because they were interpreters of the Supreme Law of the Land. They were supposed to be above pressure to vote certain ways and were to act in accordance to the common welfare of the people.
I guess that, like the Second Amendment, is an antiquated notion as well because Justice Scalia has behaved like a good little lackey and given the Republicans exactly the partisan ruling they wanted.
Scalia has consistently voted against choice for women in the case of abortion because it kills innocent people. One wonders if that matters when we arm the citizens without restraints. Think anyone innocent might be harmed, Mr. Scalia if we do not control the weapons?
Now go bow to King Bush The Stupid and lick his boots.