Saturday, June 07, 2008

You Have Got To Be Kidding Me????

“I'm a loser;
I'm a loser;
And I'm not what I appear to be…”
--John Lennon of the Beatles.

Well Cedric, you did it again.

You have now thrown away everything even after a second chance and a third chance.

If the Bears keep this jag, I may just start cheering for the Packers.

From the AP:
“Authorities said Benson was arrested early Saturday after he failed a field sobriety test. The former first-round draft pick was charged with driving while intoxicated and released on bond.The arrest comes a month after Benson was charged with boating while intoxicated and resisting arrest. He has said neither charge is true, and those cases are pending.At a fan event at Soldier Field in Chicago on Saturday, Bears general manager Jerry Angelo said he'd not spoken to Benson but called the situation unfortunate."'Disappointment' is too much an often-used word when we're talking about Cedric, and the number one lesson for every player is protect your job," Angelo said. "So we're all held accountable for our actions."Asked if the new arrest will weigh against Benson, Angelo said: "Well, it doesn't weigh very well. And it's unfortunate. We will deal with it when we know everything."

Which means what, Jer (he’s my good friend so I can call him “Jer”)?

It means this Bears fans—we have been swindled. They let their best running back go to promote this bum so that they could justify spending the money and draft pick on the heir apparent. That, however, did not materialize. It is like wasting a first round draft pick on Rick Meier or justifying paying money for Todd Sauerbrun. It really does not matter, as the Bears have no other choice.

Do you start with an unsigned rookie in Forte? Do you decide that a nice back-up like Adrian Peterson (a good player, but clearly a back-up to relieve some pressure on the starter) should be the go-to guy? I just do not see it. Benson will remain with this team out of necessity.

And that is the true shame of it all.

Well, at least Cedric Benson smiled for the camera this time. Wow, those cops in Texas must really pick on innocent Cedric. Good thing he doesn't look shit-faced, huh?

Jerry Angelo, here is what I want from you. I want you to admit that YOU ARE WRONG. I want you to admit YOU WERE WRONG WHEN YOU LET THOMAS JONES GO. I want you to admit, you super-genius disguised as a complete freaking moron, that it is all about the money and it always has been. And as a Bears fan for the last forty-four years (I was born in December of 1963—do the math), I WANT AN APOLOGY for what you have done to the running game, the offense, and the team.

Benson is a cancer; and like a cancer, he needs to be removed.

Unfortunately, the surgery must wait until the system has recovered and we will be forced to deal with this “player” until December when the Bears will be wallowing in their .500 season and patting themselves on the backs. Then, and only then, will they cut Benson.

And then, and only then, will they note that they should never have promoted him.


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