Saturday, May 03, 2008

I Am Iron Man

For Iron Man to spread fear.
Vengeance from the grave…
Kills the people he once saved.
Nobody wants him,
They just turn their heads.
Nobody helps him,
Now he has his revenge.
Heavy boots of lead;
Fills his victims full of dread.
Running as fast as they can;
Iron Man lives again!"

--Ozzy Osbourne of Black Sabbath from the song “Iron Man” from the album Paranoid, 1971.

I have to admit it, as Mark was correct: IRON MAN was a great movie.

Mark called it in January and he was correct. Grossing over 52 Million dollars thus far this weekend, Iron Man will go down as one of the better Super Hero movies that we have seen.

I rank it on the level of Spider-Man I and II. Not quite up to Batman Begins standards; but certainly better than most.

In pure geeky news: it was the talk of Free Comic Book Day at Acme comics in Normal. Go get a free comic and learn to enjoy life, by the way.

The movie was socially relevant on today’s global standards; Robert Downy was an incredible Tony Stark and played it perfectly; I was less thrilled with the Jeff Bridges character, but from what the other comic shoppers told me—his character was based on a story and Bridges did the character perfectly (uh…I had only a minor/passing interest in Iron Man as a kid, so I really was not as familiar with some of the villains); special effects were unreal as to how perfect they looked; great direction; nice use of humor; and some truly great actions scenes. The film also allows the characters to evolve as we see why Stark becomes Iron Man and his origin, although tweaked from what we see in the comics, makes sense.

I will not give anything away, although I will remind all good patrons to STAY IN YOUR SEAT UNTIL AFTER THE CREDITS. There is another scene that follows the tradition of Marvel Comic Book movies. This particular one is very cool.

Watch out for that cool executive with the heart of steel and set the repulsor rays towards stun and fly out to the theaters now. This one is one of the best.


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