If there’s one thing that makes me sick
It’s when someone tries to hide behind politics…”Joey Ramone of
The Ramones from
Bonzo Goes to Bitburg, 1983.
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In these days, it is becoming more difficult to decide things as we as a society tend to label everything—so I am unsure if I am a liberal or a conservative, but I have to say, I do not know when either became “dirty” words.
Financially, I am cheap. Therefore, my fiscal policy is conservative. I really hate the idea that I make an excellent salary this year and a ton of money goes to the government. Boo, hiss, bad government. I want MY money—period. I work hard, I am paid more than adequately for it, and it sucks to have it drained by the government for things I do not like. I am all for road repairs and school projects and other traditional expenses, just not on my dime.
Emotionally, I am open-minded to a degree. I guess my social policies are liberal. I think women have every right to chose, I think people have bad luck and may need financial assistance in welfare when they do, I think people have a right to stand up and be heard and to have a voice, I believe in everyone’s religion as equal and I do not think anyone is “above” anyone else—so elitism sucks.
So I have decided to rattle off some social aspects and let others decide if I am a liberal or a conservative. Feel free to vote--you do not have to leave a name.
Guns—I hate them. No reason to own one—none that I can think of. It is not a constitutional right unless you are in a Militia and your security is threatened; therefore, do not quote the Second Amendment to me. If you need them for protection, maybe you should move. I am not sure where you live, but thieving and raping criminals do not break into my house every evening.
Prisons—Love them. We have way too many idiots running around escaping the law so I say three strikes and you are out of society. Why so many shifty lawyers help career criminals—not sure, but move on. Three major crimes and Na Na Na Na; Na Na Na Nah—Hey Hey Hey, Goodbye.
Animals—Love them. People who are cruel and abuse them should be locked up forever and should spend their years cleaning the animals they have abused feces.
Kids—See above, for understanding just change the word “animals” with “kids.”
Wars—Unless a specific country with specific proof attacks, I believe in more of an isolationist policy. I also love Teddy Roosevelt’s speak softly and carry a big stick ideals.
US Presidents—The top five in order: Lincoln, Truman, Teddy Roosevelt, Andrew Jackson, and Thomas Jefferson. By the way, too bad Hamilton could not be elected—he would have rocked.
The worst five from least worst to worst: Harding, Van Buren, Tyler, Bush Junior, and Nixon.
The “eh” Presidents—not so good; not so terrible: FDR, JFK, Carter, Eisenhower, Adams Senior.
Best President in my lifetime: Clinton.
Women’s Right to Choose—Yep. I am not a woman, I do not understand it, and I am going to completely cop out and say women have their own rights and men should just shut up. I figure women wrestle with this decision enough and that someone who chooses to end her pregnancy does not deserve to be judged by me. I think this will tick people off.
Religion—keep it to yourself. If you believe in something; great. If you do not believe in anything; great. Do not try to convert me, patronize me, feel pity for me, consider me righteous, or argue with me about it. You will never convince me your way is right, and I am polite enough and respect you enough not to even try to tell you my belief system—privacy is a wonderful thing. Oh and never mix religion with politics—it is so cowardly. Besides, and this is for the idiots out there, the United States was NOT founded on Christian beliefs. The founding fathers were deists and not Christians. If you do not believe me, take a college class on the Age of Enlightenment.
Racism—if you are ever thinking of using something so ridiculous as race to judge a person, you are, quite frankly, an ass. Racism is unfair, unethical, and quite ungodly. Racist people are the most ignorant and most horrid type of bully that exists.
Freedom of Speech—nice but it comes with a price and I am afraid that if I want my rights, I need to protect others. So play the rap and print the porn; but let me say what I wish as well. I hate censorship because it only censors intellect. I choose not to listen to rap—uh…I’ll leave the porn thing alone—5th Amendment and all.
Money—we all deserve it and we should all work for it. I understand poverty and I honestly believe that those on it wish not to be. Are people taking advantage of it; sure but bigger companies take advantage of loopholes for corporate big cats that cost the government more money.
Politicians—two terms and you are gone. Washington and Jefferson had it right—career politicians suck.
Big Corporations—I agree with them because we cannot operate without them. Say what you will, but Wal-Mart and McDonalds hire a ton of people.
Unions—I like them until corrupt people in the Union screw over their own to gain ahead.
Teachers—see the above for Unions.
Management/Administration vs. Unions—Choose your side of this one. If you want to be in management or administration; gain the training or education and do so. If you wish to be in the Union—go for it. Whatever you wish; just quit whining about the other.
Taxes—necessary evil; although I am in favor of a flat tax rate.
Government Intrusion—Please; you live in a SOCIETY—you need government.
Freedom of the Press—Absolutely all for it. Among the greatest freedoms we have. If you do not like it; you are a mindless toady.
Drinking Alcohol—If it’s a quality beer; it is a great thing—make sure someone drives you. If you are a drunken idiot who drives around—jail is where you belong.
Artistic Expression—awesome; I just do not understand art very well.
Social Security—I do not expect it to take care of me, so I have planned for my own future. I think we have to take care of ourselves to a degree.
Politicians Who Attack One Another Personally—love it. Nothing is more entertaining; and if you think it is dirty now; it was ten times worst in the 19th Century. Dirty politics is as much fun as the Three Stooges; so sit back and enjoy the ride. By the way, Presidents can have affairs for all I care; I am more concerned with ones that screw the entire country.
Lastly, people who shout out their political views are usually the most insecure about them and have the most to hide. Just consider that when you engage in a political discussion and you start the rant/diatribe.
Feel free to tell me what you think I am.