Saturday, February 23, 2008

Bears, Obama, and Beer

"Life is a rock and the radio rolled me...."
Well, the Bears did it; as I predicted; they signed Rex Grossman.

And why not? No one else will sign him; he’s better than the free agency can offer and who wants to start with another new guy?

My take has always been the same: REX IS NOT THE PROBLEM. The schemes of Turner are the problem. The assistant coaches who get into his head and over coach him are the problem.

Now Bears, listen to me; PLEASE! Just let him play. You have a year invested, no more, no less; just let him play and do the things he can do before you messed him up.

Next up, sign Berrian and Briggs. Longshots I know, but the Bears have to have a plan in case these two wander—well one would thing so, but again we all remember what happened when Thomas Jones left—so there is a worry factor, here.


Bye bye, Hillary.

Any idiot now knows that Hillary Clinton has as much of a chance being the Democrat Nominee for the President as George Bush has. Sad to see here go, ok, not really, but I try to be fair.

The latest plagiarism attacks are so lame. Hillary, act like a Senator. For someone who has served government so long as you claim and is as seasoned as you claim you are; you certainly act like a childish brat. Let’s see VP? Nah, I would stick to Senator of New York for a while. After that, maybe you and Bill can run a car wash. You can park the cars while Bill checks out the back seats.

Had some Pere Jacque from Goose Island at Medici’s. This is growing into my favorite beer. Grab some on tap.

Not much this week; I have a freaking cold.

Wish all well…


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