Monday, February 18, 2008

Bye Bye Muhsin

So many faces in and out of my life,
Some will last; some will just be now and then.
Life is a series of hellos and goodbyes;
I’m afraid its time for goodbye again…

--Billy Joel

The Chicago Bears let Muhsin Muhammad go. They also let Fred Miller and Darwin Walker go.

Here’s the real story, though.

All three were kind of jerks.

Muhammad was a big mouth, complained about Orton, whined about not getting enough balls, was a lip-off on his show, and really never lived up to the hype.

Oh and he dropped more balls than a blind hooker.

Fred Miller was useless by the year’s end and way past his prime. He couldn’t block me, and I am not formidable.

Walker was injury-proned and showed there was a reason Philly (I mean the Eagles really suck) could not use him.

Lack of productivity is only part of it.

The Bears also sent a message, perform and be a class act or goodbye.

Now I agree with this.

They will more than likely put the franchise tag on Berrian and hopefully take that money from the Three Stooges here and give it to Briggs. Those are chancy hopes at best.

The Bears also rewarded hard work and gave Alex Brown a contract extension. Brown was benched for Anderson and played like a Demon possessed the last half of the season. Good for him. Another message shown—or perhaps the same with proof—work hard, do the right things, the reward is yours.

Nice to know the Bears and I share some philosophies. Now, PAY BRIGGS! Oh and look for them to draft an Offensive lineman at this point in the first round. With Miller’s release and departure, they really have no choice.

Anyone want a Muhsin Muhammad Super Bowl Jersey, cheap?


Anyone at all?


Anyone, anyone at all?


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