Thursday, January 03, 2008

An Open Letter For Chicago Bears General Manager, Jerry Angelo

Hi Jerry.

It has been a long year, hasn’t it? As GM of the Chicago Bears, I expect, you have been busy.

In fact the last time I saw you, you were hawking players for a team that had just played in the Super Bowl. I also think the last time I saw you on the news was in July.

Strange, so long, Jer—may I call you Jer, Jer? Last year I saw you nightly on the newscasts claiming how brilliant you were.

This year, like the Bears running game and ability to tackle; you were missing. No Super Genius quotes from you, Jer. Where were you Jer? You never called, you never wrote, none of your old friends saw you. Where have you been hiding? Was it under that new oak desk you afforded yourself in the front office, because what the heck, Jer, you got yours, right?

Let’s look fairly at this season for the Bears, Jer? Shall we?

Gosh, that Running Back position sucks (and Jer, it does suck real bad), you have the arrogance to note: “the Bears need a featured back capable of breaking two or three runs of more than 20 yards per game.” I am sorry, Jer, I thought we had that in Thomas Jones? Ohh, that’s right, Super Genius Jer let him go. Well, we should not worry with Benson’s stellar work ethic, right Jer?

You also recently noted: "We certainly would like to keep all our players. That's our intent, but we don't have control on that so we're just going to have to see as time goes on what the marketplace is for those players." Translation: You cannot keep Briggs and Berrian—your two most productive players on Defense and Offense, respectively. So now you are starting the cop out as to why the cheapskates Bears will not pony up the cash. Williams may do well in Brigg’s place—what’s another gamble to us betting men, right Jer? And we have the sure hands of Mark Bradley to cover for Berrian, right Jer?

Remember Safety Chris Harris you let go, Super Genius? Well you replaced him with Adam Archuleta. How did that work out for you, Jer? Not so good, huh? Well at least Archuleta is cheap, like a bad bottle of Ripple and is about as porous.

And in the midst of all of this mess on that team, all of this chaos and all of the dashed hopes, you still have the nerve to remark: “So first and foremost, we have to get the position stabilized going into '08,” in regards to the Quarterback position. No kidding, Jer. Maybe you had that clue last year when Rex had some 0 QB ratings. You want to bring Rex back, don’t you, Jer? And I know why, because no one will pay a plug nickel for him and you can snag him cheap.

And throughout your blather, Jerry Angelo, you never mention how wretched your offensive line is, or how weak the tackling was this season without Ron Rivera’s schemes, or the lack of innovation your offense coordinator Ron Turner displayed week after boring week.

So Jerry Angelo, here is a thought while you count your cash. Did you notice that the Bears last season made you and your organization money when they went to the Super Bowl? I mean T-Shirts, Jackets, Trinkets off all kinds were selling unbelievably high. Nearly every person at a game had an Urlacher Jersey, or Hester. Heck, Jer, I went the Super Bowl last year and I own a Muhammad, an Ogunleye, a Grossman, an Urlacher, and even a Hester Jersey myself. They ain’t cheap; Jer and the first two were from last year’s Super Bowl game. WOW. Count the cash, Big Guy.

So you really want to make money, Jer—old buddy. Take a lesson from Kraft’s family and spend it on the team to create an atmosphere of mutual respect. It comes back in huge dividends as we all know New England has been great for the last seven years.

It seems the Bears once played the Patriots in the big game, Jer. Remember that one? It was about twenty-two years ago.

Oh, and where did Kraft’s family start out, why right there in Chicago—his family made their fortune. One can only wish that they never left.

Tell the McCaskeys I said hello, but there is no need to call—I cannot pay for the collect charges like last time.

Your friend,


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