Sunday, December 02, 2007

Another Year; Another Twelve Beers

“Merry Christmas time come and find you happy and there by your fire;
I hope you have a good one, I hope momma gets her shoppin' done;
And it's a Christmas all over again…
Baby it's Christmas all over again…
And it's Christmas all over again.”

--Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers “It's Christmas All Over Again” single.

This year the Twelve Beers of Christmas was our biggest fundraiser for the Humane Society in the ten years we have done it. We had close to two hundred people show up to Fat Jack's Bar this year who enjoyed quaffing the evening away.

Again, we associated with the Humane Society, thank our good friend Tyler Holloway of Fat Jacks Bar for his relentless efforts to give to the Humane Society. Pictured above is Tyler and me after announcing the Twelve Gifts of Christmas for the Patrons. Not only does Tyler donate proceeds for the event, Tyler actually arranges for twelve people to walk out with gifts from the beer distributors.

This year’s selections included in Tyler’s Twelve Beers Order are as follows:
1. Samuel Smith’s Winter Welcome (A Good Traditional British Ale)
2. Hibernation Ale (one I truly loved)
3. Weltenburger Kloster Winter-Traum (from the oldest Monastery brewery built in 1015)
4. Harvey’s Christmas Ale (Another British Christmas Ale)
5. Anchor Christmas Ale (from the fine makers of Anchor Steam)
6. Baladin Noel (from Italy)
7. Delirium Noel (one of the all-time best and one of the highest alcohol contents)
8. Corsendonk Christmas Ale (Another Monk-made high alcohol brew)
9. Stille Nacht (The Silent Night of Christmas Ales—The best of the evening)
10. Quelque Chose (This is warmed and has a cherry flavor—drinks like warm Cider)
11. Ommegang Chocolate Indulgence (Truly rare uses Chocolate malts)
12. Lambic Choice (gone before I got there, they had Raspberry, Cherry, and Peach; as they tast like Wine Coolers, but they have a really strong alcohol content).

Before the event, I met with and chatted with the Bartenders who made sure that I had a chance to sample the most unique before the others. And as I worked the introductory table, I had a nice choice of various Beer samples of the Twelve beers with me at times as folks would ask the Bartenders to offer me a sample. Excellent food (chicken wings, Irish batter-sausages, veggies, and Meatballs) provided by Tyler’s other main business effort in the area Maggie Miley’s, our British Pub as manager Peter Conolly brought over awesome choices. My Aunt Dar made sure to grab me a plate of food.

After I worked the table, I had 45 minutes to take pictures, grab a few samples; meet with my friends; join Uncle Dan, Cousin Danny, and the fore-mentioned Aunt Dar; hang with the Humane Society staff; and thank Tyler for the fun.

Now it feels like Christmas. And drink enough of the beers and the YouTube video will make sense.

Hoppy Holidays to Ales, and to Ales a Stille Nacht!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wha' did you say, lad? Maggie Miley's a BRITISH pub?

OOOH, have you had a good look at the flags, the posters, the pictures?

It's an IRISH pub, ya pup! They are flying the tri-colors Ireland, not the Union Jack!

Aargh, are ye tryin' me patience, lad? The place flies the colors that Thomas Meagher, that Young Irelander who escaped from the penal colony of Australia to come to America to be a general in our Civil War, had suggested be the flag of a new, free Ireland.

It was my understanding that the manager came from Ireland to run the pub for the owners.

British pub, indeed.

Thanks for the list of beers. Sorry I missed the fundraiser this year. I will make a donation to the humane society instead.


8:25 AM  

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