Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Choice is Yours

“The times they are a’changin’”

Let’s face some facts.

George Bush should never have been elected President in the first place and he has ruined this country based on factors such as his ego, his skewed version of Christianity, his greed, or his party’s uncompromising sense of power.

Having noted that, I think eight years of stupid is enough.

So I will throw out my support to Barack Obama.

He is innovative.

He is smart.

He has a sense of humor.

He can think on his feet.

He has an understanding of reaching out to all Americans.

He lacks a global concept in my opinion.

He lacks experience.

He even lacks some diplomacy when angered.

That noted, he is the best guy running.

Hillary comes off too abrasive and too “I told you so;” and I am not looking at gender, here. She almost feels as if she should be given the position.

John McCain is an egoist as well; and he is also a liar. Check out the Fox Spews clip with the Queen of the Damned Anne Coulter:

Now I know that the Republican party would rather face Hillary Clinton than Barack Obama, so I sense this is tainted, but I still find the sense of change refreshing to a degree.

As for my criticisms of Barack Obama, Bush also had diplomacy and look what happened. He had experience in politics and look what happened. He tried to be calm when confronted and then showed is insidious anger later and look what happened.

Maybe experience is not a good thing.

Consider voting an idea person, a person with ideals, and a person with intellect in Obama. The only thing from those words I see in McCain’s rhetoric and Hillary’s commentaries is the letter “I.”


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my god! You need to go back to around 1991 and read about all of the things that were said about the Dem canidate. All of you comments were pretty much being said about "the Voice of Change for America". What did we get? Douchebaggery! What will we get if this Douche is elected due simply to the fact he is the "best" choice? More Douchebaggery. He is polished and says what he thinks you want to hear. Hmmm. I've seen that movie. He has a clear goal for America. Read that book. A voice of Change in a country that needs change. Seen the Movie, read the Book and the comic book adaptation. This guy is spouting the same neo-socialist crap that the 1991 Democratic hopeful vomited on America during that election. 8 years later all anyone knew about that guy was how he likes his cigars and what color the dress was. That loser's foreign policy(or as the British called it in 1938, Appeasement.)is one of the main reasons that the Dope we have in office now has done what he has done. Vote how you want. Sure, what's trading off one Douchebag for another? Maybe, just maybe getting the guy that YOU want will result in a huge Welfare State that both you and I will be paying for until my Kid's kids are old. I would rather live in a Country that ruled by Dumbass Fascisim rather that Well-meaning Socialism. Ask the former Soviet Union how that worked out for them.

Sermon Ended.

9:12 PM  

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