Sunday, February 03, 2008

Update: I Stand Corrected

Even I can slip a bit.
And I stand corrected this evening.
Tom Coughlin is a kind-spirited genius.
The Giants Defense is anything but over-rated as they played a heck of a game tonight.
Eli is not luckiest, but holds the unique distinction of being one of 42 of the greatest players of the Super Bowl history. My apologies, sir, as you orchestrated two of the best drives in the 4th Quarter of any Super Bowl, EVER!
Now Bill-a-chick (because you are essentially a sissy-girl) go cry in your low-morals and your cheating heart and your glass of stale beer.
As for Tom Brady, you may have a hot girlfriend, but tonight you were lukewarm.
And Moss, hey do us all a favor and SHUT-UP!
The good guys win, proving that karma and justice is a true BITCH!
Oh and Eli, watch the celebration--ok, buddy. Pictures do not lie (check the above).
What a sloppy drunk, Eli is.


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