Saturday, May 02, 2009

WHY Is Such A Simply Confusing Word

So tell me why it don't feel the same
Tell me why I've got to feel this way
--Collective Soul

Do you ever wonder, why me?

Why did this happen? Why did I think that? Why doesn’t this person like me? Why does the Good Lord ignore my pleas?

After the latest medical “happening” I came up with the answer: Why not me?

It has often been said that our load is not more than we can handle. I understand that philosophy, but my load is getting full.

That noted, I was pretty lucky last week. My Uncle Dan (pictured above with me) knew exactly what to do, as I wanted to “go home, I am overheated” I kept slurring. He insisted on calling medical emergency and kept saying, “You’re not right, man. Something is wrong.” The medical team showed up in perfect time and it was a five minute trip to the hospital. The machine that sucked my clot out is relatively rare to have in a community of 105.000 people. To have someone who knew how to work on call when I had my stroke, was equally unique, there was no waiting. Blessed to Be a Blessing, and counting them, as well. There is a purpose in my existance.

Karen and Jen have reminded me that when the doctors ran down their medical questions, I was making jokes. Like “are you pregnant?” My answer: “NO, I just look like it.” “Do you have a living will and does someone have power of attorney?” Jen said I did and my sister had the power, but they both said they could hear me in the background yelling “I WANT TO LIVE.” There were other jokes, but I do not wish to offend anyone.

Jen’s sister dates a nice guy named Ben. Ben has a few degrees his way and he is a bit of a right-wing republican—he also served in Afghanistan. The GOP bit aside, I like the guy. We discussed philosophy and he bought me a great book about the Case of Christ, offering a historical view of the Christian faith.

Since I have been home, I have lost 9 pounds. I have no residual affects of the stroke. I can move my left side fine, my grips and face muscles are fine, I have not failed one strength or command of faculties test.

I mean I know I need to lose weight, but this was not a wake-up call; it was a wake-up HOLLER! I know I have ignored my one beer limit more times than I can count, so this was a good thing there as well.

I learned my valve is functioning perfectly, I know I could have a DNA blood thinning problem (which I will alert my siblings about), I know Guinness, Chumley, and old Foggy love me very much and Guinness will not leave my side as I recover at home. I have learned that Jen loves me; that my family loves me; that my students miss me; my coworkers care; and that I have a wealth of friends.

Maybe I needed a wake-up holler.


Blogger Eric Sweetwood said...

FROM MY FELLOW HEAVY METAL AND HARD ROCK MUSIC ENTHUSIAST AND PROFESSIONAL WRITER, MARTIN POPOFF: "Man, Eric that was beautiful. You're such a good writer too. Keep writing about this. I'm going to keep this short, as I don't know if the comment will post properly! Good luck - keep your eye on what's important."

Go to his website, and buy his books. They are great!

2:40 PM  
Anonymous Tonya Jackson said...

Case for Christ isn't a bad one, I referenced that book for a Rhet III paper with Mrs. Cheek. Props to whomever handed it to you.

4:11 PM  

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