Friday, May 01, 2009

Out Of The Darkness

"Now everybody have you heard

If you're in the game, then the stroke's the word..."
--Billy Squire

Pictured next to me is my fast-thinking and even faster acting Uncle Dan Kuglich whom I owe my life, if not my health. If you know Dan, call him and tell him he's a hero. No cape, but a hero nonetheless.

Last Wednesday evening, I threw a blood clot to the brain. I believe the Doctors said it was 100 CC. It went directly to my brain behind my right eye. Dan (former NCHS teacher) was with me and noticed the slurred speech and my lack of movement on my left side. I could neither lift my left leg or my left arm and was sweating profusely. The doctors used a newish procedure where they took a cath up my femoral (sp?) artery and used a machine to suction it out. It was extremely rare to have it here in Bloomington/Normal and to have a tech that could run it available. The good news is that the quick actions saved me from paralysis and/or death.

To be frank (and earnest if I can), it was the single most frightening moment of my life. I was dehydrated which could have thrown the clot, it could of been scar tissue from previous surgeries that tore away, or it could be a factor 10 (Factor X) blood condition. There was also a stress factor that could have lead to the condition--we all face stress, yet in my case I internalize much too much and am more than aware that I take too many things personally. My meds had been up to date, so I was following Doctors' orders and in a theraputic range. I had a team of six or so doctors trying to figure it out. I felt like it was an episode of House.

I am now home for the next three weeks.

Every situation teaches a lesson. When you lay alone in a hospital bed for a week, often you are alone in your thoughts and your thoughts are about being alone. I believe this was a warning shot. Thank Goodness I have Jen's love to share.

Big news, I am removing myself from the beer, I am on a low carb and healthy diet, I am learning to relax more, I have found the woman I wish to spend the rest of my life with, and I recognize that which is important.

For any pettiness on my part towards any of you, my heartfelt apologies and I will work towards a more kind view of life. I feel a if I have lived through a spiritual experience, as many of my friends know I found a good church in Second Presbyterian, in Bloomington before the incident. Life changes when you find out you almost actually cashed in your chips.

"Time it was, and what a time it was,

It was a time of innocence, a time of confidences .

Long ago, it must be, I have a photograph.

Preserve your memories; they're all that's left you..."--Paul Simon

I really appreciate the efforts of Uncle Dan and his wife my aunt Dar, My sister Karen who was with me for the procedures, Jen who was also there for everything; My beautiful neice Angela for coming down with Karen helping out and making sure I was OK; Jen's folks for checking on me; My brother Mark and his lovely wife Mary who drove 8 hours to help me set up at home, including making great meals and helping clean a house where pisspot Guinness and Chumley the slob had their run of for a week; I also appreciate my parents concern, as I am sure they were going nuts not being here, but I am fine. I also owe an incredible debt to my great coworkers and dear friends Mike McGuckin for informing eveyone and for the visits; Elston FLowers for the visits and the Heavy Metal SCI-Fi magazine; Milt McKeever for always helping with my surgical stuff and calming me down, my friend and carpool mate Sharon Jones for her kind words and prayers and calming influence; my friend Pearl for the visit and card, and my principal Jon Kilgore for rushing to the hospital to make sure I was OK that evening. If I have neglected anyone, forgive me--blame the drugs.

We are not sure as to a cause for the stroke. The hematologist is checking for a protein deficiency called Factor X (I think the X is a ten). As an example, my fiancé' Jen has Factor 5 Leyden (sp?) which means she is prone to clots. It is a genetic thing, as her father and sisters have it too.

They (the team; hematologists, cardiac doctors, neurologists, general practitioners)--I really feel as though I am living through a House episode are convinced it is some blood thing or dehydration. Originally they thought I was not taking my blood thinner (Coumadin) but that was not the case as my thinning reading should be between 2.5 and 3.5 and I was a 3.0 when brought to the hospital. This means I was therapeutic and following the Doctors' orders.

They next thought that the replacement valve was not working, but a TEE test (they stick a camera down your throat) showed the valve as functioning properly and had no obstructions; this test also possibly ruled out scar tissue build up or plaque, but the jury is still out on the scar tissue.

Dehydration and weight was/is an issue as well. I was sweating profusely when the stroke hit and my clothes were still soaking three days later. As a result of this incident, I have given up beer and alcohol completely. SELL YOUR GERMAN WHEAT BEER STOCK NOW! I have been very loose about my "one beer maximum daily" orders in the past few months, if not years. Divorce was a factor for imbibing, I assume. I also shot up to a whopping 256 pounds, when after the last heart surgery, I was 184. I am now on a low carb/healthy food/no caffeine (I did not know it dehydrates you) diet of portion control and healthy eating. If any of you want some really good beers let me know. By the by, I lost seven pounds since released fom the hospital. Thanks Mark, Mary, and Jen.

Dr. Dick the neurologist (and yes that name was killing me as you can imagine--I am such a Beavis) noted that Stress is also an issue, so my promise is to keep my humor and lose the angst at work and in life in general. I have so much to be thnkful for. I feel as if I am blessed to b a blessing.

The treatment thus far is to load me up on more blood thinner and keep working with the hematologist to find the combination of blood thinners that work best.

The reason I cannot resume work immediately (of which for the record bugs me, because I do not feel comfortable having other people do my work, even though Gene, my sub, is among my best friends and I have full confidence in the man--heck, he took me under his wing) is because I need to build my strength back and let the soft tissue around the area of the brain of the clot/stroke scar up (if that is the correct term) to prevent bleeding. I guess having a repeat incident at work in front of kids helps no one, and even traumatizes kids, let alone faculty.

If anyone randomly reading this has any insight or information, please post; it would be appreciated.

So sorry for not posting for a week or so. Anything new with you?


Blogger Unknown said...

Having walked your walk somewhat, I can identify with your emotions right now. I wish you Godspeed and please follow the orders and advice you've been given....not just today but down the line. I ask, my good friend, that you choose Living...cuz the alternative isn'e where we want you. You have the prayers of the Peterson family as well.

9:10 PM  
Blogger Pam said...

Keep thinging positive. When we come down Wed I will buy some beer from you for us and the boys

7:11 AM  

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