Sunday, December 20, 2009

Now That The Chicago Bears Season Is Over...

Shut your mouth...
My mother said...
Don't saddle me...
With selfishness.

Do you feel your tongue quivering?
It's moments like these I revel in...
Your conversation never sticks,
'Cause no truth in you exists

Yeah you bite before you lick
I love ya 'cause you're such a pr#ck…

--Ed Roland of Collective Soul from the song “Vent” from the album Blender, 2000.

I am not even slightly kidding about this. I hope that NO ONE buys me any further Chicago Bears items for two reasons; since they have stopped caring, so have I and I do not want any money even associated with me going to that organization.

After the Bears shockingly ugly loss to the Bengals, Lovie Smith told the media that many teams would quit if they were in the Bears’ situation and the Bears were not going to quit. Guess what Lovie, you, your team, and coaches under you have all quit. Here’s some advice, do the respectable thing and make it official. Resign, tomorrow.

Millions of people are out of work in this great nation while Jerry Angelo, Lovie Smith, and Ron Turner have multi-million dollar jobs? No way, folks; that is hardly justice. The worst thing about this pathetic loss (the latest pathetic loss) is that Cutler finally quit playing the Ron Turner/Lovie Smith game of Russian Roulette. He simply refused to fake it any longer. Some might call Cutler’s throwing the ball out of bounds, running out of bounds, and spiking the ball plays he showed today as poor sportsmanship; instead I view it as Cutler saying in actions rather than words, the Lovie and crew have no idea what they are doing.

The way to win football games is a relatively simple formula: a strong offensive line and a strong defensive line give a team their best chance. Lovie has invested draft picks and future drafts picks, as evident by Gaines Adams joining the squad, that the D-Line is a priority, misguided in Adams, but a priority nonetheless. In the off season, the acquisition of Orlando Pace and Frank Omiyall show how misguided the O-Lone priority is. The former is an older, injury-proned, overweight, player that could not even make the roster on last year’s worst team, and the latter is an untested four year vet who never even started before the Bears shelled out 14 million dollars for him. In the meantime, starting tackle from last year Josh Beekman is left to wonder about his career as he is now confused and former first round draft pick Williams is showing how incompetent he is and how incompetent the Chicago Bear scouts truly are. .

The best receiver on this team is a man who did not even play significant time before last week in Devon Aromashadu. There are some who question Cutler, but I think he has made a player out of Earl Bennet and has shown the same sort of hope for Johnny Knox and the fore-mention Aromashadu. I think, under Cutler with the right lineman, the three will flourish.

Almost as bad as the Offensive line is, the safety position is in worst shape. Since Mike Brown has been down (and now out) that position has never been a serious draft consideration. Look at how awful Craig Steltz and Kevin Payne have played. In a cover two, the strong safety is probably the most important position on the field and if one ignores that player, the cover two is doomed to implode.

So fellow wary Bears fan, follow my advice and leave football. Remember it is Hockey season and the Blackhawks look great. And as positive as they are, the local Bloomington Prairie Thunder at least will go out and try and fight for a victory.

The Chicago Bears quit, checked out, and folded the circus weeks ago when they lost to the Bengals and the Cardinals. If the fans really want to show the team what they think, I say that they should not give the Chicago Bears any further financial support. A friend of mine who is a season ticket holder told me the Chicago Bears organization sent him an email noting there were still seats available for the Bears Packers game. What? When was the last time, Bear fans, a seat was available for the greatest rivalry in football? Shameful really, and now the Bears ownership needs to know how the fans feel.

Go ‘Hawks! And as far as the Bears are concerned, I wish Lovie, Ronnie, and Jerry would just go!


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