Friday, November 27, 2009

Quick Updates time:

Me vs. State Farm

My car has been fixed and State Farm Insurance finally paid out and ponied up the money. It only took 21 days for my “good neighbor” to offer me assistance, but they at least paid. In the final tally, there was a discrepancy about a $4.50 cent nut they would not pay for. I have a nut I would offer, but frankly I am sick of State Farm squeezing it, so I will move on. All is well that ends well, I suppose. If this was a fight, I would consider it a draw.

Me vs. The Bears

After last week’s debacle, the Chicago Bears need to seriously consider finding a new coach and a new GM. I would court Mike Shannahan and bring in some offensive linemen and a new defensive scheme. The cover two is not working at all and having Cutler eating dirt back there is not a good thing.

Me vs. The Bird

Jen cooked a nice turkey breast/roast yesterday. We had some green beans, some baked sweet potatoes, some rolls and some pumpkin pie. It was all excellent, and we tried to watch the carbs. We also watched two boring football games and one good one. The Denver game was entertaining; the others were “meh…”

Hot Steel; Cold Ice

Hockey tonight for Jen and me, as the Bloomington Prairie Thunder takes on the Port Huron Icehawks. It should be a good one. We are looking forward to more Thunder wins, as Port Huron is in second and we are in third.


Thanksgiving is upon us and we all know what holiday is next. Right, it is my birthday, in a few days. Anyways, I hope you had a good holiday with time spent with family and friends. I have quite a bit to be thankful for, so thanks for checking this out and being a part of my life.


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