Monday, October 05, 2009

The Chicago Bears: First Quarter Of The Season Review

“Listen all you people come gather ‘round…
I gotta get me a new game plan gotta shake you to the ground.
Just give me what I know is mine,
People do you hear me just give me the sign.
It ain't much I'm asking if you want the truth,
Here's to the future for the dreams of youth.
I want it all (give it all) I want it all I want it all and I want it now…
I want it all (yes I want it all) I want it all (hey)…
I want it all and I want it now!”

--Queen, “I Want It All,” from The Miracle album, 1990.

Here is my Chicago Bears Update for you all.

We have to be fair, Bear fans.

I readily admit that I would much prefer Jay Cutler over Kyle Orton as the Bears Quarterback for many reasons. I feel that a game is never really at a loss if the Defense can keep them close and Cutler has a chance to win it. I also feel a great quarterback, like Cutler can turn average receivers into great ones. I mean, seriously, how good is Marshall without Cutler? How good is Braylon Edwards without Anderson? How good was McKinnon without McMahon? I also think Cutler wins games, on his own, and he puts his team in the position to win.

That stated, I want good things for Kyle Orton. I am glad he and his team is 4 and 0. He deserves it. He was a strong player for the Bears and a utility quarterback that kept the team in the game. The thing with Kyle Orton was that I never thought he could take the game on his shoulders and win. He needed the other characters on the team to be actively involved in the cast.

Cutler can do it all. His passes are lasers and his touch, when needed, is something to behold. Jay Cutler can also scramble with the best of them. He has stamina, savvy, smarts, and a fantastic arm.

Aside from the much hyped Cutler, I feel Alex Brown is the unsung hero of the Defense. He consistently makes plays and has a nose for sacks. Alex Brown and Adewale Ogunleye are my favorite Defensive linemen. They have been let loose and they show me that Bruce Babich was promoted much too early and had far too little experience last year. The players want to play for Rod Marinelli . I foresee good things for this unit.

Personally, I am sorry my friend Hunter Hillenmeyer was injured and I am glad to see he will be back in two or three weeks. I switched from my Cutler jersey to my Hillenmeyer one when the Bears lost to Green Bay in week one. Three weeks and no washing the luck out, the Bears and Hillenmeyer have held up. Go Hunter and heal up soon! This is your moment to shine!

Lance Briggs is a beast and can play with the best of them. He is the strongest player on the team and he shows it down after down. I shudder to think what would be happening right now if he was not playing or if he was released a few years ago.

Jen’s favorite player is Caleb Hanie. After him, she was long ago, in the pre-season, singing the praises of Johnny Knox. She loves his name and loudly in the pre-season would announce “Johnny Knox, All-American!” Little did anyone know how prophetic my future wife’s predictions and comments would be. I may take her to Vegas to pick teams for me. Only Jen knew that Johnny Knox, All-American (her words, not mine) would emerge as probably the most prolific rookie receiver in the league. Great call Jen.

The earliest flaw I see on the Bears is the offensive line. I hope they can gel soon, as Williams has proven himself to be a great first round pick. I respect Garza and Kreutz. I think Pace may be past his prime, and I am one of the fans calling for Josh Beekman over Frank Omiyale.

AS far as the tight-ends are concerned, the Bears have the best in the NFL. I like the two-tight-end sets and they can strike at any given moment. Someone needs to work with Greg Olsen on the basics of catching, but other than that, they will be fine.

Forte is struggling because of the fore-mentioned offensive line. He will be ok as the season progresses. I still question keeping Garrett Wolfe around, but that’s just me.

I think the Bears will continue to improve and make post-season play-offs. I will not back down from my NFC Championship game prediction, but that Offensive Line, privately frightens me.


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