More on The Dark Knight
We can be heroes,
Just for one day—watcha say?”
--David Bowie from the song "Heroes" from the LP Heroes, 1977.
Mike H., one of the Beer Buddies on Tuesday at Fat Jacks, saw me this week and asked “What did you think of Batman?”
I told him it was fantastic. Mike, a fifty plus year-old closet DC Comics fan, said, “I know—this is the way Batman is supposed to be.” Damn right!
My older brother (older in age but not in wisdom—heh heh) emailed me his critical comments on Batman. His best man Brad and I defended our position that Batman was a better film than Mark’s critical evaluation. Mark is more a Marvel Guy, and I am more a DC Guy, which is surprising considering my age. Usually the younger crowd goes for Marvel over DC, but I must say DC is so much better. Mark’s hang-up is hinged on Iron-Man was better and the Marvel film franchise is planning a Captain America Movie, A Thor Movie, an Avengers Movie, and an Ant-Man Movie. I give Mark this: Marvel’s marketing is better than DC’s—which is surprising considering DC is Warner Brothers.
Mark’s comments were fair, yet I set him straight on his criticisms. Brad agreed. Mark does not see that I se him straight.
Dark Knight is a sinister movie for a sinister time. Batman must become the villain because the villain adds credence to the honorable.
I will not dissect the movie any more than to say that the character of Batman has always worked in the peripheral element of the law. That in mind, it is obvious that the next extension of the character is to become the villain. I still argue that the Batman franchise part of Warner Brothers will be reaching for a Dark Knight Returns type of series. Those familiar with the comic industry would love it. A future where Batman crosses the line as to what is heroic and what is essential for human decency.
I called my father this weekend, and he said he was not at all interested in the minor feud of his sons. When I reminded him he was a Captain Marvel fan, he said, “Yes, but I outgrew that when I became older.”
So while Mark and I mire between the DC view versus the Marvel view, we both admit that we are geekish enough to watch both. I loved the Iron-Man and Hulk movies this summer. I just simply think that Dark Knight was superior. Whereas Mark spent his money on Iron-Man, Hulk, and Dark Knight, he would prefer to turn his back on Dark Knight.
Your shot, Mark. Just for the record, I love my brother like a brother, but his views arre more “marvelous” than my own.
Just for one day—watcha say?”
--David Bowie from the song "Heroes" from the LP Heroes, 1977.
Mike H., one of the Beer Buddies on Tuesday at Fat Jacks, saw me this week and asked “What did you think of Batman?”
I told him it was fantastic. Mike, a fifty plus year-old closet DC Comics fan, said, “I know—this is the way Batman is supposed to be.” Damn right!
My older brother (older in age but not in wisdom—heh heh) emailed me his critical comments on Batman. His best man Brad and I defended our position that Batman was a better film than Mark’s critical evaluation. Mark is more a Marvel Guy, and I am more a DC Guy, which is surprising considering my age. Usually the younger crowd goes for Marvel over DC, but I must say DC is so much better. Mark’s hang-up is hinged on Iron-Man was better and the Marvel film franchise is planning a Captain America Movie, A Thor Movie, an Avengers Movie, and an Ant-Man Movie. I give Mark this: Marvel’s marketing is better than DC’s—which is surprising considering DC is Warner Brothers.
Mark’s comments were fair, yet I set him straight on his criticisms. Brad agreed. Mark does not see that I se him straight.
Dark Knight is a sinister movie for a sinister time. Batman must become the villain because the villain adds credence to the honorable.
I will not dissect the movie any more than to say that the character of Batman has always worked in the peripheral element of the law. That in mind, it is obvious that the next extension of the character is to become the villain. I still argue that the Batman franchise part of Warner Brothers will be reaching for a Dark Knight Returns type of series. Those familiar with the comic industry would love it. A future where Batman crosses the line as to what is heroic and what is essential for human decency.
I called my father this weekend, and he said he was not at all interested in the minor feud of his sons. When I reminded him he was a Captain Marvel fan, he said, “Yes, but I outgrew that when I became older.”
So while Mark and I mire between the DC view versus the Marvel view, we both admit that we are geekish enough to watch both. I loved the Iron-Man and Hulk movies this summer. I just simply think that Dark Knight was superior. Whereas Mark spent his money on Iron-Man, Hulk, and Dark Knight, he would prefer to turn his back on Dark Knight.
Your shot, Mark. Just for the record, I love my brother like a brother, but his views arre more “marvelous” than my own.
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