Saturday, March 17, 2007

Our Place In The World

In the dark moor my spirit could fly;
I am glad about my decision,
As my word could always testify.
With the Muses I danced in the night,
Beneath the full Moon I felt the Spell.
And its poetry gave me its fine old bite;
And I could never say farewell;
And the music in my heart;
Filled my illusions with the Art;
And the angels showed me
Which is the way of the stars”

--Dark Moor from the LP Dark Moor—2002.

I am not much of a “world traveler;” which does not really bother me—but I would like to go to more “worldly” places.

I have been reading “The Historian” by Elizabeth Kostova, (Keith recommended it) which is the story of a woman whose father has fulfilled this bizarre legacy of hunting down Vlad The Impaler: Dracula.

Of course it is a gothic-style horror novel, in which historical analysis of Vlad is presented while noting that he has survived all of these centuries because he is a member of the “undead;” he is the Lord of the Vampires.

Along the way in the discovery of Dracula’s tomb, Kostova takes the reader through the darkest regions of Budapest, Turkey, Romania, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Russia, Transylvania, and many “darker” regions of Europe and Asia. It is historically presented as a virtual roadmap of these fascinating places that I have never seen and now wish to travel towards. Kostova had toured these places as a younger woman and took relentless notes in her research of the book.

The reader is given a great novelization of vampires and a historic trip with their imaginations—all historically accurate—well except the bit about vampires. The main characters are all historians and great attention is given to librarians and historical research. For me, it is a perfect book.

As many of you know, I started a “Metal Moments” site (go here: and I was curious as to how much of a world traveler it would be. In the last 100 hits, here are some interesting persons from unique places that visited the site: Madrid, Spain; Dac Lac Ha Noi, Vietnam; France; Budapest Hungary; the UK; Salvador, Brazil; Vitria, Brazil; Buenos Aires, Argentina; Ottawa, Canada; Sudbury, Canada; Ontario, Canada; among others.

That to me is fairly cool and I always wonder—since they do not comment—what they think of the site.

The internet is making the world a smaller place and perhaps we can learn from one another.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I recently finished that book and I LOVED IT... It was really entertaining and I found it hard to put it down to sleep!! I thought you had told me to read it at one point, but because you're still reading it someone else must have. Either way, I bought it with CHristmas money and LOVED every minute of it.

9:00 AM  
Blogger Eric Sweetwood said...

I told you about it when you were student teaching with me in the fall and I was still reading it. It was when we covered the Older Europe Section and we were talking about the Halloween stuff like Bathory, Vlad, and the like. For those not in the know, Jessie was one of my favorite student teachers, as she worked with me and with Gene in the Fall of 2006. She is now subbing with us and we are very proud of her.

7:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay I thought you told me about it..hahah... I don't know where else I would have heard it from other than from you! And thanks for the nice comment-- I wouldn't be the future teacher I am without you!

10:53 AM  

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