Monday, December 18, 2006

Technology News

“He's not concerned with yesterday
He knows constant change is here today
He's noble enough to know what's right
But weak enough not to choose it
He's wise enough to win the world
But fool enough to lose it -
He's a New World man...”

Neil Pert from Rush from New World Man from the LP Signals, 1983

This damn technology is screwing me at work.


Our district has gone “high tech” for Central Illinois, to be honest.

Here is my webpage:

Notice the email. Yep, I have more parent emails in the last month than in my entire career.

The emails at work are similar to phone messages—I hate them. They are something else to answer. In a career where I answer questions daily, I tend to hate to be forced to answer the phone and emails. No one emails you to say "thanks" or to appreciate you—they do so to question you or beg for some sort of understanding/break for their kids.

I understand that, but it does not mean I have to like it.

I like my ANCIENT HISTORY link go here: and page. Cool stuff there. Go visit it—while you do so, I will finish my beer.

Anyway, there is another annoying aspect (Lord, I have grown to curmudgeon state, have I not?) that I would like to point out. A horrid website exists that ties every educator’s hands. Try this one on for size—Rate My Teacher Dot Com. Go Here: Talk about BS, a teacher cannot really respond to the comments here. A kid can rip on us—as I was called “rude” and “weird”—and I can “respond” if I wish, but I realistically look a moron for commenting. The student or parent does not have to leave a name; of course mine is plastered all over the place. By the way, I am rude, and I am weird.

Another high tech website-gadget for the folks who wish to make my life a target is here: This site gives my salary out to the world. As one looks at this site, one can learn, at least in Illinois, how much teachers make. For the teachers, we can look at other people in our district and judge one another, as well as other districts. My friend Chuck—an excellent educator in automotives in his own right—has commented to me that “no good can come from looking at this information” as he surmised that “we” would hen-peck one another. He is right as I have read this site and commented how much “harder I work” compared to people making more money than me. Imagine your salary plastered over everywhere. How horrid is this?

Emails, websites that rate me, websites that judge my financial worth, and websites of my own design—one might wonder why I would publish this blog.

Well…you see…it is not for the reason that you, gentle reader, would take some pity upon me and give me higher ratings on RATE MY TEAHCERS DOT COM—(but if you want to—go here:, wink—wink; nudge—nudge) or for the hope that you realize that looking up my salary is rude and intrusive no matter how legal it is (hey not doing too badly: wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more, say no more) or for the hope that you will email my direct supervisors and pretend to be parents (if you want a list of names to use—email me) to tell them how superior my school website has become. No, dear reader, it is simply to explain how the high tech world has its burdens that hinder my existence.

And that’s the truth ;^)!!!!!


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