Saturday, October 25, 2008


“You got lucky, babe…”
--Tom Petty

Last weekend, we had a great time as I was invited by brother Mark to SCREAMING TIKI CON.

The cool thing was that the cast from Batman’s 1966 show were there: Malachi Thorne (False Face), Julie Newmar (Catwoman and Pictured with Mark and Me), Yvonne Craig (Batgirl), Lee Meriwether (Movie Catwoman), and of course Adam West (uh…you know, Batman!).

It was a riot to be honest.

Boba Fett and Chewbacca actors were there as well; along with a delightful Noel Neill (Superman Movie Serial and TV show Lois Lane--who I was chatting with for quite a bit) and Margo Kidder (who I avoided).

The guy who draws Patrick The Wolf Boy was there and did a sketch of me as Batman, Mark as Hulk, and Mark’s friend Brad as Kid Flash (uh…I dunno…but HE likes him and it WAS cool). The creator of Ghost Rider was there. The creator of Franklin Richards Son of a Genius was there. The artist for The Batman comic (based on the animated show) was there. All were kind enough (along with some cash) to give an autograph.

I told the comic crowd and Jim at Acme and they were impressed.

I had a nice drive out to visit Mark in Youngstown, Ohio: beautiful scenery and a nice chill in the air. It was fun and the new Saturn and the new IPOD made the drive enjoyable. If you ever make the trip, watch out for the police in Indiana. They are hiding everywhere. No tickets for me, thankfully.

In Ohio, we had some great beers as well, as I loved the Great Lakes Octoberfest on tap and Mark and Mary made sure to supply me with some Great Lakes Nosferatu for home. It is a fantastic Stock (or Pub) Ale. Great Lakes is brewed in Cleveland and we all know that Cleveland Rocks.

What made the weekend even more unique was we had dinner with Adam West and the Batman cast. Julie Newmar took advantage to leave when she felt insulted or something. Oh and prior to the dinner, I insulted Lee Meriwether by saying she did not look a day “younger” when I meant to say “older.”

Sometimes I should just shut up.

She politely seemed to forget about it and posed for a picture with me, which was cool.

Adam West sang the Adam West Song (from Family Guy) when persuaded by Mark. I asked what was his favorite episode of Batman and he said he liked the first one with Frank Gorshin as the Riddler and Jill St. John. Hell, who wouldn’t like Jill St. John?

We also saw the Bat-copter, the Bat-cycle, the Bat-shield, the Robot from Lost in Space, and R2D2.

The celebrities seemed genuinely kind, although I think Newmar may be a bit odd. In the picture above she told me to “stick out your chest, Big Boy!”

I remarked, “Only if you stick out yours first…”

Then she laughed. She gave Mark and me a card for her website in which you can write in personal fantasies. A bit out there for me.

Actually, she was cool. She was kind enough to sign a picture for Jen and for me and for Mark.

I really cannot think of anything that would top this weekend as it was a childhood fantasy come true for me.

The Batman show and the character literally changed my life, as I have obsessively collected Bat-Items for decades.

Mark and Mary were wonderful hosts and their cats Louie (who let me pet him—shy as he is), Clyde (the world’s friendliest cat), and Sammy (the Kitten with a huge personality) were fun.

So thanks Mark and Mary—this blog is dedicated to you.

What a great gift! Thanks again!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess there had to be something good on TV to keep their minds off of the death of Edward III.

5:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now with the typo fixed my first comment just makes me look like a raving loon! ...if only I was a Lackland...

11:46 AM  
Blogger Mark M. Sweetwood said...

Hey Eric! Love your blog!

We are glad you made the (long) trip here and even more happy that you had a good time! It was great seeing you again and enjoying all of the crazy fun. I am glad you mentioned the Julie Newmar disappearing act (can't believe I forgot to mention that!).

Neither of us blogged about that crazy Batman game and how we were all begging for it to end. That was hysterical! The Batman movie, too, was memorable with the Adam West and Burt Ward comments...

The cats miss you and Brad and all the commotion around here for a couple of days. There were so many extra hands for petting!

We hope you come by again! See you soon!

Mark & Mary

5:50 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Man, you are so lucky! I met Adam West in the 70s----he was at a convention with the original batmobile. I'd have loved to hear him sing the Adam West song from Family Guy.

Go Bears!

4:59 AM  

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